Massage Contraindications
When you have any of these conditions, please do not book a massage:
- Fever
- Contagious diseases, including any cold or flu, no matter how mild it may seem
- Under the influence of drugs or alcohol-including prescription pain medication
- Recent operations or acute injuries
- Neuritis
- Skin diseases
- Cardio-vascular conditions (thrombosis, phlebitis, hypertension, heart conditions)
- Any condition already being treated by a medical practitioner
- Oedema
- Psoriasis or eczem
- High blood pressure (except medically treated)
- Osteoporosis
- Cancer
- Nervous or psychotic conditions
- Heart problems, angina, those with pacemakers
- Epilepsy
- Diabetes
- Bell’s palsy, trapped or pinched nerves
- Gynecological infections
- Skin ulcers;
- Acute heart failure;
- Developing tuberculosis;
- Menstruation;
- Illnesses which comes with bleeding;
- Hemophilia;
- Contagion;
- On the belly of pregnant women.
- Bleeding disorders like hemophilia.
- Blood clotting problems, such as deep vein thrombosis or history of strokes.
- Skin conditions, including eczema and psoriasis.
- Seizures (epilepsy).